What is the dropshipping business model?

What is dropshipping? Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock but instead directly transfers End Customer orders and shipment details to the Supplier, who then ships the goods directly to the End Customer. The Vendors make their profit on the di

About Dropshipping

How to Become A Dropshipper

If you are pretty new to drop shipping, you need to learn more about drop shipping before become a drop shipper. You need to learn more about drop shipping on CJDropshipping.com and also FAQ here. Here is a tutorial how to start your drop shipping business by 6 steps. If you knew about dr

About Dropshipping

How to Run Facebook Ads and Promote Products?

The growth and development of eCommerce don't fail to surprise even shock consumers and businesses alike. Retailers are seeing fewer and fewer shoppers making in-store purchases, while web purchases are increasingly lucrative. Products and services that were once deemed improbable (or impossible) t


Contact CJdropshipping

Working Hours are from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Shanghai China Time (GMT+8) Just step out or dial on the phone. We have confidence in working with you in an efficient communication way, we are always together, we are taking care of your business. Yiwu Office: Room 1809-

About CJ

CJdropshipping Service Introduction

We Source for You You can post product sourcing requests with us. Despite being an experienced drop shipping partner, we cannot guarantee to fulfill every item requested, due to the various drop shippers running SKU. Once accepted as a drop shipper, you can post product sour

About CJ

Shipping Price List | CJdropshipping

Shipping Price List - ePacket-1 Items Quantity in Each Parcel ePacket Can-ada UK Fra-nce Germ-any Rus-sia Austr-alia Brazil Saudi Arabia Norw-ay Luxem-bourg Israel Ukra-ine Spain Malay-sia Denm-ark Bel-gium South Korea 1 $4.20 $3.60 $4.20 $4.20 $2.30 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.20 $4.2

