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What to Sell in November? High Demand Niches & Products Recommendation

What to Sell in November? High Demand Niches & Products Recommendation
CJNov. 06, 2020 11:04:201611


In this article, we will share with you guys the top 100 search keywords on CJ Dropshipping the previous two weeks, which is from October 16th to 30th as well as niches and products with high demand in the coming month.

Here's the list of the top 100 search keywords from October 16th to October 30th.

The ranking is in descending order by the searches, the same niche has marked with the same colour. There are many niches and products people searched for hundreds of times on CJ Dropshipping. Why people search for these products, not other products? Why you search for a product? Cause people see a demand for it. So these items ranked the top searches may have great demand these days.

You may concern that there are so many sellers searching for it, there must be too fierce competition. The fact is, competition is not a totally bad thing. If there is no competition, there may be no demand at all. You need to stand out from the competition instead of shy away from the competition.

We can see there are many products under the same niche got many searches, like fitness products, pet supplies, and massage products. Pet products are hot all year round, and fitness products and massage products are super hot niches since the COVID-19, so today we will spend no time recommending these products. Q4 is a golden season for dropshipping, many niches are promising, you can succeed more easily than the other three quarters. From the top 100 search keywords, many niches are on trend in the coming month and also the coming season. The following five niches are recommended: Christmas products, winter products, facemasks, apparel, and phone accessories. Let's see why they are promising and what to sell under each niche.



Niche 1: Christmas Products

Christmas is the most important festival in Q4. People prepare for the festival a month or two months beforehand, so do dropshippers. CJ has received many sourcing requests for Christmas products every day since a month ago, and we can see the keyword Christmas ranked #1 on the list, got 700 growth. Another keyword about Christmas on the top 100 list is the Christmas tree. Sure we can not dropship a Christmas tree, it's way too large and too heavy for dropshipping; instead, you can sell this DIY felt Christmas tree. Christmas products are typical seasonal products; they got crazy sales before and during the Christmas season. This felt Christmas tree was a proven hot seller the previous year, and it was the top 2 best seller in the last month on CJ. This product will sell like hot cakes in November and the first ten-day period of December.

Another super hot Christmas product is this window projector. It ranked #32 of the best sellers on CJ the previous month. It's not only a product for Christmas but also a product for Halloween because it includes 12 movies, 6 Christmas movies, and 6 Halloween movies. It was also a hot seller before Halloween. We can see the keyword Halloween ranked #2 on the list, but it got a sharp decline for Halloween was on October 31st, 15 days before the festival was too late to sell Halloween products. One month to two months before the festival is the best period to do the preparation, now it's the best time to prepare for Christmas.

Then Christmas apparel like Christmas sweaters, family pyjamas, socks, and the like are also hot Christmas products. But for decorations, it's hard to market. Because for those items, people can do one-stop shopping in Target or Costco, consumers would not like to pay for the shipping fees and wait for sometimes weeks to get the products.




Niche 2: Winter Products

As winter is coming, products for winter, those to keep warm or provide a cozy, comfortable atmosphere in winter become trending. The keywords under this niche are humidifier, winter, blanket, gloves, heated vest, candle, and heater. The humidifier is a trending product for two seasons, summer and winter when the indoor humidity becomes too low as the air conditioner or heater on. Others like blanket, gloves, heated vest and heater are all for winter. There was a keyword candle. We know that candle is no longer a lighting product, candles are usually used to create a cozy, romantic atmosphere. And those beautifully scented candle sets are a nice choice as a Christmas gift or gifts given in other festivals. However, you could have many more options among candle holders, like this Christmas candle holder set or this customized heart-shaped wooden candlestick set, and you can find many other types of candle holders in the CJ marketplace.

Blankets and heated vests are two proven hot sellers in winter. This heating blanket
 and this lazy blanket are two trending products for blankets.



Niche 3: Masks
Are you thinking masks again? No, not medical masks, medical masks and N95 masks are no longer promising for dropshipping. What's on trending are these with special designs. Like this Santa Claus mask, LED mask, or custom printed masks, these masks hardly see in local stores would be good to dropship.

Niche 4: Apparel
Apparel is a super hot niche in Q4, the top search keywords under this niche are leggings, hoodie, jacket, and dress. Leggings are hot all year round, there are always new designs, new prints. On cold days, they are fashion items to match tops, jackets, or coats. The demand for hoodies and jackets increase significantly as the weather gets colder. Lovely dresses and warm sweaters all have their place.

Niche 5: Phone Accessories
Phone accessories are extremely hot these days, there were eight search keywords under this niche on the top 100 list, they are wireless charger, phone case, iPhone case, iPhone 12, power bank, phone holder, and charger. The demand for the phone accessories got a sharp increase these days, as the new iPhone 12 launched. People buy new iPhones, so they will need new phone accessories to go with the new phone, like a new phone case for iPhone 12. So if you want to do this niche, do it right now, don't fall behind others and lose the market.



