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Why I am Stopping Using AliExpress

Why I am Stopping Using AliExpress
CJJan. 20, 2019 05:43:332372





I've been a faithful customer using AliExpress for years and I will say Aliexpress is a great website. But everything changed after what happened last week.


Last week I was hanging out with colleague Sam and Sam brought his friend from CJ Dropshipping, which is one of the greatest companies in the world.


My colleagues and I wanted to sell print on demand products but Aliexpress does not have this service.




  Find out AliExpress VS CJdropshipping here!



And that's when Sam's friend started to talk. He introduced CJ print on-demand service to us and showed us how to do it just during dinner time.


I had to say it is really convenient and easy to use CJ print on demand, just a few clicks and it's done. What's most important is that the products in CJ are much cheaper than Aliexpress, and that's when I decided to give up Aliexpress.


This is the new space of selling on-demand products without any inventory – known as Print on Demand (POD) and the good news is that CJ POD makes it easy if you are doing drop shipping.


What is CJ POD & how does it work?


CJ POD allows you to have your own site, your own store, and manage it just like you would if you actually managed inventory. Except it takes all of that away.


To use it, you use their Start Design  to create an image that you would put into WooCommerce or shopify when creating a new product. Once you have that image, you can create a product in your store, use the image, and then sync it with CJ POD so that you can match it to their inventory (matching size, color, and other attributes).



Then, when someone places an order on your site, it routes to CJ POD, who creates and ships your product to your customer. You make money without doing any of the fulfillment work.


Pretty cool, right?


But the coolest thing is that CJ pod allows your customers to use that design function. If you have a Shopify/WooCommerce/ebay store, you can click the list and the product will be listed to your store and your customers will be able to upload images and preview the printed products.



Start your business with CJdropshipping


All-in-one dropshipping solution provider: product supplies, global logistics, free sourcing, POD, video shooting, and other dropshipping-related services.


