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How to dropship to Brazil

How to dropship to Brazil
CJApr. 02, 2019 08:27:433924

Brazil is one of the fastest developing country, so more and more people want to dropship to Brazil. However, dropshipping to Brazil is not easy, the rate of successful delivery in Brazil is not high. Why is this happening? Why is it so hard to dropship to Brazil ?


The data we collected shows that the average rate of successful delivery through epacket is 60%, while the the number could be up to 80% if you use a Brazil special line instead.



  Find out Development status of e-commerce in Brazil here!


One reaseon which leads to the low successful delivery in Brazil is that since January, 2018, post offices in Brazil began to require invoices or content statements for all orders with commercial orders. Some dropshippers may not be aware of this, so they did not prepare documentation, which lead to delivery failure.



Another reason is that Brazil has one of the most complex taxation systems in the world. All products from outside Brazil is subject to taxes and globe with taxes going up to 60% of the value of the products. Some customers are not willing to pay, so the rate is low.



  Find out The Solution of Required Tax Number for Parcels to Brazil here!


Actually, the package can get held up at customs for anywhere between 30 and 180 days. Here are a few reasons for such a lengthy delay:


  • Improper documentation
  • Anvisa – The Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency, responsible for overseeing the import of food, health products, cosmetics, and medicines
  • MAPA – The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, responsible for overseeing the import of goods made from animals and vegetables
  • InMetro – The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality, ensuring imported products meet requirements set by certification standards
  • Tax auditor from Brazilian Federal Revenue
  • Forbidden Goods/Contraband


Obviously dropshipping to Brazil is a challenge, yet still so many people are dropshipping to Brazil because the market in Brazil is massive.


In Brazil, the number of consumers buying products online is growing by leaps and bounds. In 2013, 31.27 million Brazilians bought goods online. Last year, that number jumped to a whopping 55.15.


With close to 150 million users, Brazil’s Internet market is the number 1 in Latin America. On a global scale, it’s ranked fourth in the world.



Brazilians spend the most money online purchasing:


  1. Electronics
  2. Appliances
  3. Computers
  4. Fashion
  5. Cosmetics
  6. Beauty products
  7. Household appliances
  8. Home decor
  9. Pharmaceutical products
  10. Cleaning supplies
  11. Safety equipment
  12. Travel services


Analysts estimate that travel services made up close to a third of Brazil’s total eCommerce sales in 2015. Brazilians also prefer marketplaces and sites that offer group discounts.


As you can see, dropshipping to Brazil is both challenging and promising. Due to the special custom policy in Brazil, CJ cannot provide aftersale service and refunds for the products shipped to Brazil.



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